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How to create a Terra wallet

In order to be able to stake on Terra, you will need to create a Terra Wallet first.
Go to the Terra station page and install the browser extension to start using Terra Station.

By clicking on Connent and choosing for the Terra Station Extension option, you will automatically be redirected to the right page.

The Terra app extension for desktop only works for Chrome.
So if your not working in Chrome, be sure to first go ahead and download the Chrome browser


Install the extention and allow it to be added to your browser and a Terra station symbol will appear in the right upper corner next to your search bar:

Click on the Terra Station extension icon you’ve just added and select New account.
(If you already have a Terra wallet but did not yet add the extension for your current device, you can recover an existing wallet.)

THe following screen will pop up and you will have to create a name for this new wallet, secure it with a safe password and you will get to see a random list of words what is called the Mnemonic Seed Phrase.


It’s very important to save this Mnemonic Seed phrase somewhere safe, because this will be the key to get access to your wallet.
Not only the words, but also the order of the words is important. Anyone who has access to this phrase, may take all of the assets you hold in that wallet. So don’t share this with anyone.

If you've chosen a safe password and stored your seed phrase safely, hit Next to continue.

To finish the creation of your wallet, you will now be asked to regenerate random words from Mnemonic Seed phrase.
As we said before, the order in which the words are ranked is important!

Hit Create a wallet and you are good to go!

The only thing left to do is to send some LUNA tokens to your newly generated wallet and you can start staking!


You have succesfully created your Terra wallet!

You can now go back to your Terra station dashboard and start staking!