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How to Contribute

This wiki was created to provide easy access to staking for everyone. We want to provide the most essential information and easy step-by-step staking guides in order to make staking more accessible to the masses.

It's an open source project so that anyone who wants to, can contribute to the wiki. We strongly encourage pull requests, discussions, improvements and other contributions from our community.

You can contribute to the wiki on the Github repository page. Every page is a MarkDown file, which is an easy to learn syntax extension to plain text that makes creating links, rendering images, and nice-looking formatting simple.

You want to:

Making changes

Each doc has a pencil icon in the upper right corner of the page.


By clicking it you will be redirected to the GitHub sign-in page, where you can either log in if you already have an account, or create a new one in case you don't.

Once logged in, you will first need to fork the repository in order to suggest changes.

After that, you will be redirected to the GitHub built-in text editor where you can make your edits directly.


When you've completed your changes, you can add any specific details on what was changed and propose changes.


Once you've proposed your changes, it's important to create a new Pull Request to the repository.


Give your pull request a name like "Update ..." and pull the request.
From there, one of the admins will review your changes, and either merge them or request changes.


Adding a page

To add new pages, you have to create a new file in our Github repository markdown file. By clicking on "Create new file" under the "Add file" tab, you'll be redirected to a blank page.


Give the new page a name, and don't forget to put the .md extension at the end of the name. You can now create a new page from scratch.


When your page is done, give some info about your addition and propose your new file.


Once you've proposed your page, it's important to create a new Pull Request to the repository.


Give your pull request a name like "Create..." and pull the request.
From there, one of the admins will review your new page, and either merge it or request changes.
